“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.”
— Rainer Maria Rilke, “Letters to a Young Poet”
Insight Timer
"Present Moment, Wonderful Moment." This track is inspired by the mindfulness practice taught by Thich Nhat Hanh. It offers a 10-minute guided meditation to help bring us back to the breath and anchor ourselves into the wonderful present moment.
Breathe, pause, and remember that you are not alone, even in your darkest time. You can unload your burdens here and receive the gifts of the present moment. Your breath is a reminder of all the love, support, and care you're being offered now. Breathe and smile.
"We are more ourselves after we have lost." This poem is a reflection on how gain and loss are intricately weaved together that they can never be separated. May we remember our true strengths in all the ups and downs of life.
Focusing on the feeling of our breath, the sensations of life moving within us, the blessings of our body, our surroundings, and Mother Earth, may we be reminded of the love and peace that are already present where we are.
Meditate on the breath and look deeply to contemplate the oneness of all beings on this planet. Through Metta meditation, allow your heart space to grow as you send your blessings of love, kindness, and compassion to all.
This meditation is a way to bring harmony back into your relationships. You can use this to strengthen your connections, nurture forgiveness and understanding, and come back to love and peace.
Are you feeling triggered and angry? Let this short 3-minute meditation practice guide you back to a peaceful state and remind you of your inner wisdom and compassion, even in the midst of high emotions.
This short meditation encourages you to relax and sit with whatever difficulties you're dealing with. May this meditation help you connect to your strength and wisdom, even in the midst of great internal challenges.